
A blog about Conner's craniopharyngioma, which is a benign, slow growing brain tumor that grows close to the pituitary.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Quick Update

Conner's started school after Labor day and is doing very well. Just the normal kinds of problems of panhypopituitarism.

His MRI in May/June showed no regrowth.

His endocrinologists are talking about introducing growth hormone around the end of 2006/beginning of 2007.

One note though.

The craniotomy and radiation therapy took him a long time to recover from. 6-7 months. Both are dramatic insults to the physical body, and also to the patient's spirit. I didn't understand this, so if you are in a similar situation, and your child has been having a rough time of it after treatment, just keep on helping them and remember that it's going to take a while.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Neurosurgeon Visit

Visited the neurosurgeon today and Conner's remnants show no regrowth. I was very pleased

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I was going to make up a pumpkin based on this dude I see working sometimes, but it turned out really ugly, as in "stupid-ugly" not "scary-ugly" so I crushed it with a sledgehammer and threw it over the fence. My boys carved the top and middle pumpkins, and did a great job. Conner's pumpkin is the one with the "X's" for eyes. Gage's has three faces, all done well, and Mara's is the little one with the square teeth. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Somebody loves her brother. Posted by Picasa

At Dow Gardens

Gage, Conner, and their little sister. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Vison defects and nausea

Conner's been having a rough spate with nausea in the mornings, and today his mother called me an told me that the vision in his left eye had gotten very fuzzy and blurry, and that Conner's pediatrician told her to go to the ER.

I really, really, really would like this to settle down so he can get back to normal, or at least as normal as things get. He's still looking at the post-radiation fatigue to start in about a month, too.

Times like this make me want to scream "WHY?" Why does any of this stuff have to happen to any child.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Meet Chewie. Conner, Gage, and Samara's new puppy. He's a boxer, and about 10 weeks old. He likes playing tug of war, chasing the broom, and harassing the cats. Posted by Picasa
It's done! 31 sessions of therapy were finished tonight. Conner gave a picture to each of the control rooms at the Radiation Oncology center, a thank you note, and a nice package of candy.

"I'll see you in 12 years." he said. The radiologist said she hoped she'd only see him at a hockey game or football game, and not back here. "I'm going to get a job here!" he replied. Conner's cheerfulness and courage in the face of the circumstances has humbled me. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 15, 2005

2 Sessions Left!

Monday and Tuesday and we are done.

Conner's tolerated the radiation quite well, but has missed a lot of school.

He's got a MRI scheduled for later this month, but has had recent CT scans that showed nothing was regrowing at this time.